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Eve's Apology in Defense of Women

Page history last edited by Susie Crowson 14 years, 5 months ago

My name is Jennifer Vasquez and I will be reading "Eve's Apology in Defense of Women" by Aemilia Lanyer.


Aemilia Lanyer was the first English woman to publish a substantial volume of original poems. Her main objective was fighting for women's rights and social equality. She wrote a small book explaining why women do not deserve to be blamed for hte sins of Adam and why women should be treated equally. This small volume was intended to honor women and give them courage to speak out in public with their ideas. Lanyer wanted to get men to speak affectionately towards all women, giving them the respect that they deserve.


In lines 19-40 of "Eve's Apology in Defense of Women" tells us how Eve lovingly gave Adam an apple to eat with no knowledge of the sin of behind it. She gave it to him out of the love she had for him, in no way meaning to deceive him. Adam who was the king of the earth and born before Eve knew the consciences of eating the apple but did not have the strength to refuse it. The poem allows us to see why Adam is more to blame than Eve due to his knowledge of the consciences. 








Lanyer, Aemilia. "Eve's Apology in Defense of Women." The Norton Anthologyof English Literature. Eighth ed. Vol  1. Stephen Greenblatt. New York:  Norton & Company, Inc. 2006.



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